Monday, September 14, 2015

RP Official Minutes for SEPT 12, 2015

RP Official Minutes for SEPTEMBER 12, 2015



This was our agenda for the meeting:

1. The Council meeting opened with a reading of a Bible text from Revelation 11:15-19 by Brian Hanley (who moderated the meeting) and the opening prayer was led by Evan Kersten.  J. Parnell McCarter kept the meeting minutes. Present at the meeting were Brian H., Evan K, and J. Parnell M.

2.  Officers discussed the upcoming election of Party officers for the 2016 term, and especially procedures if only three Party members run for the three officer positions.  The Council adopted the following motion proposed by Parnell: "In the event only three members run for the three-member Reformation Party Council of Officers for the coming term of office, and no member objections are raised regarding any of the three candidates, and hence it is an uncontested election, the three member candidates will automatically be declared as winners for the three-member Council in the coming term.  In the event an objection is raised by a Reformation Party member regarding any of the three candidates, the election must proceed to take place and none of the three member candidates will automatically be declared as winners for the three-member Council in the coming term.     This provision is being added to the Reformation Party by-laws."  Evan seconded the motion, and the motion passed unanimously upon vote.   It was noted by Brian that there are other issues related to the one addressed in the passed motion, involving objections to membership or candidacy of a Party member.  It was decided to table consideration of these other issues until a future meeting.  Parnell was authorized by the Council to proceed with soliciting candidates for Reformation Party office, making note of the newly passed motion and by-law provision.

3.  Brian raised the possibility of a Reformation Party member running for President of the United States as a write-in candidate.  He pointed out how Biblically speaking none of the candidates thus far in the race for President are qualified, and the existence of provisions in the law for alternative write-in candidates.  He feels a burden for this, and recommends that a Reformation Party member run for office in this way.  Parnell expressed his agreement that Biblically speaking none of the candidates thus far in the race for office are qualified, but expressed his reservations about any current members running for President, although noting their right to do so.  Parnell stated his opinion that current qualified members should focus their efforts on local candidacy, since no current members appear to have national stature, so as to make their candidacy known to most voters in a national election.  He expressed a concern that it may subject the Party and candidate to unnecessary mocking.  Evan stated his reservations regarding a Reformation Party member running for President of the United States, expressing his opinion that such an effort would not be taken seriously.  Brian noted his opinion that there is much we must do trusting the Lord, and ignoring the scoffs of the world.  It was agreed by officers to disagree on the advisability of a Reformation Party member running for President of the United States as a write-in candidate, but acknowledged by all of the right for any member to so run.

4.  Parnell discussed his own candidacy for local office in West Michigan in the upcoming elections, and solicited advice from the other officers.  Brian helpfully noted that if Parnell should have any meetings open to the general public where strong and possible raucous dissent was a real possibility, he suggests that such a meeting be videotaped as a means to keep the meeting more orderly and respectful. 
5. The Council closed with prayer by Parnell.

The meeting minutes can be downloaded from here:

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