The following email went out to registered voting members of the Reformation Party:
We are thankful to God to be able to report that there are now more than 10 male voting members registered in the Reformation Party. In preparation for the next phase, the Reformation Party now has its own internet domain ( ) and the rudimentary beginnings of a website. This website, along with the Reformation Party Facebook page, will be managed by the Council of Officers once elected.
It is now time to begin the process of electing the beginning 3-man Council of Officers for the Reformation Party. In order to accomplish this, we would ask members prayerfully to consider which of you would like to be a candidate for the Council of Officers. If you are willing to run, please so indicate in an email to . If you are running, please also be prepared later to send us information about yourself and what projects you would like the Reformation Party to take up. Information about each of the candidates for the Council of Officers will be published at . This will include the candidate’s email address, so questions can be privately directed to him by members and other interested parties. While the names and other information of those who are members of the Reformation Party will be kept private and confidential, those who are Councilmen and candidates for Council will be public.
We would also ask for volunteers among the membership (voting or non-voting membership) to count the election votes. (There are not that many members, so you do not need to worry about having to count too high .) These will be the Vote Counters. We would ask that the Vote Counters not be one of those running for Councilman nor a spouse of someone running.
We think the election of officers can be kept simple and straightforward. Here is the recommendation of the co-organizers: Each voting member will email to those who are the Vote Counters the names of the 3 candidates he is electing. The Vote Counters can tally up the total number of votes for each of the candidates, and the 3 candidates receiving the most number of votes would become the 3 initial Councilmen of the Reformation Party for the first term of office of one year.
Just as a reminder, the platform of the Reformation Party that all members are saying they are in agreement with is as follows:
1. It is the duty of all men and institutions of men, including civil governments at every level and for every nation, tribe and tongue, to acknowledge the Biblical doctrines accurately summarized in the original Westminster Standards, and to suppress heresy, idolatry, and every other enemy of sound doctrine, appropriate to their station and calling. This includes violations of both the first and second tables of the Ten Commandments.
2. It is the duty of civil governments at every level and in every nation to recognize and protect that church which adheres to the Biblical doctrines accurately summarized in the original Westminster Standards, and to be a nursing mother to that church. And only male communicant members of that church should be allowed to vote or hold public office in civil government.
3. It is our duty not to enter into unlawful oaths and unlawful confederacies with heretics and infidels for purposes of political expediency.
The original Westminster Confession can be read at , the Westminster Larger Catechism can be read at , and the Westminster Shorter Catechism can be read at .
Voting members -
· Indicated their desire and willingness to be a voting member in the Reformation Party.
· Indicated their full adherence to the Biblical doctrines summarized in the original Westminster Standards (which include the Westminster Confession of Faith, the Westminster Shorter Catechism, and the Westminster Larger Catechism).
· Indicated their agreement with the Party Platform of the Reformation Party.
· Communicant member in good standing in a presbyterian/reformed church
· Male
· 21 years or older
Thank you for your participation in the Reformation Party. Please let us know if you have any questions, comments or concerns as we prayerfully proceed.
Joseph Parnell McCarter and Sean McDonald, co-organizers